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Why you should trim candle wicks

Should you trim the candle wick?

I know, I know...does it really matter if you flip your candle wick? And what happens if you don't turn the candle wick? Would it really be the end of the world?

As a candle maker and owner of MANILUX , I have heard all the questions about trimming candle forks and whether it is necessary or makes a difference. (And what about those fancy wick trimmers — why would you even need one?)

When I sold our soy candles at many craft fairs and pop up markets, this was one of the candle burning tips or candle best practices I would share with customers, along with how to burn a soy candle properly!

It's time to share the wick trimming with all of you, our past, present and hopefully future MANILUX customers!

In this blog post, we'll tell you how to properly trim a candle wick and why it's important.

A step-by-step guide to trimming a candle wick:

  1. First, make sure the candle is completely cool and not lit. I usually recommend trimming the wick before you go to light it, not after you put it out.
  2. Use a wick trimmer or scissors to trim the wick to about 0.6 cm. This length is ideal for an even and clean burn.
  3. Discard the excess wick in the trash and do not leave it in the candle wax.
  4. Light your candle and enjoy!

Why should you trim your wick?

In short, trimming the candle wick helps ensure that the candle burns cleanly and safely. Let's dig into it a little deeper:

Why wick trimming is important:

  • Prevents soot build-up: A wick that is too long can cause the candle to overheat, causing soot to form. Soot build-up can damage the candle and negatively affect indoor air quality. Trimming the wick to 0.6 cm helps prevent the wick from overheating and causing black spots.

Pro tip: If you have a clean burning soy candle like MANILUX , and you notice black spots on the glass or container, it's not the wax, it's the wick, possibly a wick that's too long and not trimmed.

  • Ensures a clean burn: A wick that is too long can also cause the candle to burn unevenly, resulting in a build-up of wax on one side of the candle. This leads to wasted wax, which is no fun! A properly trimmed wick ensures an even and clean burn.
  • Extends the life of the candle: By trimming the wick, you can prevent the candle from burning out too quickly, which can shorten its life. You will also increase the life of the candle by getting the best candle burn possible. If it burns unevenly (see bullet point above) and doesn't reach all the wax, that's a lot of wax and burn time you're losing.
  • Reduces the risk of fire: A wick that is too long can cause the candle flame to spread too far, increasing the risk of fire. Trimming the wick helps make sure the flame is at a safe height.
In general, trimming the candle wick is an important step to ensure a clean, even burn, increase the life of the candle, and reduce the risk of fire.

It's a quick and easy step, especially if you're in the habit of flipping the wick every time you go to light a candle.

Pro tip: Keeping a wick trimmer next to the candle is an easy way to remind yourself to trim the wick before lighting the candle.

Then, by following the simple steps in this guide, you can safely enjoy your candles and maximize their burn time. Sounds like a win-win to us!